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  • jlumlung

The Eco Friendly Generation of Filmmakers: HIFF 2019

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

Filmmakers come in all shapes and sizes. Even in our youth today there are creative minds who not only want to share stories but also make a difference with the current ecological situation. During my time at HIFF I managed to come across a group of filmmakers who were a part of the student showcase named the Maui Huliau Foundation. A small student film group based on Maui that uses their knowledge of film making to create impacting films about our Earth.

The group has been maintaining this film club for a number of years and there have been many films that have not only been accepted into HIFF but many other film festivals in the US such as the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in California. These students take the initiative to spark their creativity as well as make a difference with the choices that make impacting mother nature. Films such as Remember use artistic styles of filmmaking with a mix of creative poetry that share a bigger message to the current inhabitants on how to save the Earth.

But other than serious methods of filming they also add in comedic styles to help balance the content shared within the group. One of the films Green Gone take the hilarious direction of sharing the overuse of pesticides with tasteful humor that can get you interested.

Even though the content this group release isn't at the most professional level, I must say that they are sending a bigger message than many other films out there who are mainly sharing montages for companies that require video services. This new generation of filmmakers isn't just a bunch of head in the clouds kids. But they are small collective of intelligent individuals willing to share more than just a creative story. They won't stand idly by when problems occur in our own home. They wish to spread the word of these common issues and present it to the public in a way that seems feasible. Instead of strict propaganda from the government, these creators decide to take an interesting way to inform and it is certainly looking bright to these future filmmakers.

If you wish to learn more about the Huliau Foundation be sure to visit their website here

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